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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Study for Mutiple Tests

Study for Multiple Exams
Part 2
My strategies for written assignments: Everyone has their own writing styles. I generally come up with an idea and do massive amounts of research before I ever think about writing. I then organize my research then sometimes prepare an outline before actually writing. I always print out the paper and come back to it the next day and reread it. That is the easiest way for me to catch my own mistakes. I have to give my eyes a break from it, and if I just wrote it I think it looks perfect. But if I look at it a day later I almost always find grammatical errors or phrases and sentences I just want to reword.
How I succeed in team projects: Never assume someone is doing what they are supposed to be doing. Have regular meetings and have each member show their work, not just give you or the group their word for it.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Study for Multiple Exams
Part 1
How I study for multiple exams, deal with multiple projects: Really it is my time management that I explained above. If I see I have multiple things due or to study for all at the same time I spread out my time beforehand. For example, if I have a test Monday, and 2 tests Tuesday then I will study for my Monday test Thursday and part of Friday. Start Studying for my next test on the second half of Friday and part of Saturday, then my second Tuesday test on Saturday as well as part of Sunday. Then Sunday night I can review for my Monday test because I already studied for it. When that test is over I can begin reviewing for the other tests.                                        
My overall study method: I try to break it up over several days or at least two. I get bogged down if I try to pull an all nighter
How I’ve overcome an initial bad grade: If I received a low grade I probably knew it was coming because I didn’t prepare properly or I didn’t use the right study habit for that class. I usually try to go over what I did wrong and sometime discuss with the teacher what I can do differently on the next exam or what they suggest I do for study for the next exam.

My Food Journal
Morning (Time: 7:00 AM)
Food: Coffee Cake
Portion: 1/4 
Calories: 140
Food: ____________________
Portion: ____________
Calories: ____________
Food: ____________________
Portion: ____________
Calories: ____________
Beverage: Capri Sun
Portion: Packet
Calories: 25
Snack (Time: _______)
Food: ____________________
Portion: ____________
Calories: ____________
Food: ____________________
Portion: ____________
Calories: ____________
Food: ____________________
Portion: ____________
Beverage: ____________________
Portion: ____________
Lunch (Time: 1:00 PM)
Food: Pizza
Portion: A slice
Calories: 250
Food: ____________________
Portion: ____________
Calories: ____________
Food: ____________________
Portion: ____________
Beverage: Pepsi
Portion: Can
Calories: 160
Snack (Time: _________)
Food: ____________________
Portion: ____________
Food: ____________________
Portion: ____________
Food: ____________________
Portion: ____________
Beverage: ____________________
Portion: ____________
Dinner (Time: 6:00 PM)
Food: Chicken
Portion: Breast
Calories: 200
Food: ____________________
Portion: ____________
Food: ____________________
Portion: ____________
Beverage: Pepsi
Portion: Can
Calories: 160

  • Did you eat something today only because of habit?
  • Did you skip any meals today?
  • Did you go longer than four to five hours without eating?
  • Did you eat too little in the morning?
  • Did you eat more at night than any other time?
  • Did you eat a lot of high-fat foods, such as whole dairy, fried foods, and desserts?
  • Did you eat the same foods as you do every other day?
  • Did you eat according to mood rather than hunger today?

Friday, January 18, 2013

Student Success Statement
"Seek to do good and you will find that happiness will run after you."
James Freeman Clarke
What this statement implies is that happiness comes to those who do good because it is the right thing to do. If you do something right, you will get a feeling of good, and that good feeling can be know as a kind of happiness. For example, if you see a starving person on the street and you have a bag of chips, offer them the bag because you know you can get more, where as that person cannot afford it. And that will give you a feeling of good, or happiness.

Sarah’s Academic Success Story

Part 2

My test study method: I have different strategies for different types of tests or subjects. For me, any type of math is exceptionally difficult so I had to spend extra time on that. I would go back through the homework problems focusing on the problems that I had extra difficulty on. Many times I would ask the teacher for any additional study materials they could provide. If it was a class that required memorization or applying concepts I would create a sort of study guide for myself many times focusing on what were key focal points in the class. If I knew there were going to be essays I would try to take the terms and apply them to an example or create different questions on the concepts focused on throughout the semester.
My time management secret: I always always always carry a planner with me. I even use different color highlighters to show what each event on my calendar is for. For example, pink is personal, yellow is school, orange is work, blue is for appointments, and green is for my sorority. Although I use white-out frequently, I can see in bright yellow that if I have that project for finance due on Tuesday, I need to start working on it on [the previous] Wednesday so I can just get it done. My friends have always been amazed at how early I get things accomplished but that is really all I do.

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