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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Importance of Being Prompt


The Importance

Of Being Prompt


Julio Delgado

The Importance of Being Prompt

There is vital importance in being prompt. This is a habit that will help you become very, very, very successful. If you are not prompt, many things are going to become extremely difficult as you grow older. If you grow into the habit of being prompt right now, when you are young, it becomes a successful habit much easier. If you wait until you are older, it will be much harder to make it into a habit. Be prompt to everything, no matter how small or miniscule it might be. This means from going to work on time to meeting someone at the park on time. The advantages of being prompt are many. For example, you can build trust with anyone if you are prompt. Or you can take it a step further and be early. When you are on time or early, this leads a person to trust you. This trust can lead to much bigger things. If you gain enough trust, you can be trusted to do bigger things than if no one trusted you. If you arrive early, you can relax a little, and fix any errors in your agenda, if any. Being late can give the impression of apathy. And if anyone thinks you don’t care, they won’t care about you, and they won’t trust you. How can you expect someone to care about you if you can’t even get anywhere on time? For example, if the other person isn’t prompt, show them you are. This can make other peers take a hint about how you care, and they become friendlier towards you, just because of the fact that you care. If someone knows that you care, they also start caring, because they might fear their reputation might be squandered.Reserved: Be Prompt!

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